Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Modern warriors

“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” – Psalm 56: 3

I DON’T fully understand society’s sudden growing plethora of ills. Why, for example, cancer is so rife; why are so many strong people suddenly ending in ICU, struck down by one of the cumulative ills of modern living? Why are more adults abusing little children, and has why violent crime become pervasive? But I do know that we can’t live in fear of these cumulative hardships or allow them to destroy the joy of living. True, we are not immune and must take care, but a pastor I admire urges that we become warriors against death and illness of an evil world by praying and declaring out loud, as David did (see above), our faith in God our Protector. When we are afraid, God is close to us. As we count our losses, and mourn those passing, we can conquer fear by reaching out and finding God’s eternal peace. Trust in Him.

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