what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives…things like
affection for one another, exuberance about life, serenity…a conviction that a
basic holiness permeates things and people.” – Galatians 5: 22 - 23
SERENITY doesn’t always
come with sleep – sometimes we need to be awake, spiritually alert! These days
minds can be obsessed with threats of war, crime, politics, corruption or just
trying to make ends meet, so we need to cultivate our own spiritual awareness
of the “exuberance about life”; we need a godly world view. Christ slept in a
boat being tossed in the storm. He then woke, calmed the storm and His fellow
passengers. His same peace will help us face life’s turbulence. When we arise
each day, we must also wake up spiritually! Beautiful days are not dependent
just on the weather, but on God permeating the way we face the day.
thanks for sharing, blessings